Sunday, August 29, 2010



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Welcome Back To School

Welcome back, I will be getting a date for our first meeting soon. So check back! So glad to see all your wonderful smiling faces!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tuesday Morning Meeting (9/23)

Well what a group that turned out for our meeting yesterday with the 7th and 8th grade combined. We had 43 show up for the meeting, with an additional 10 signing up during the day. Another big year and another big club.

Here are the items discussed at this meeting.

T-shirts - YES YES YES. Mrs. B will get some samples of colors that we can pick from and Jamie F. is designing our shirts this year. Thanks Jamie. I know they will be awesome.

Kaci's Garden - Mrs. B has purchased pink tulips to plant for spring and I have about 13 students from nature club to help me one evening after school in the next week or two to stay after and help clean up the garden for fall and get it ready for spring. Mrs. B is going to see if we can get some mulch donated as well. We are also looking into building or buying a bird feeder to hang in the tree and keep seed in it during the winter and spring months.

Fall Field Trip - Mrs. B is going to look into some dates for our Fall field trip (end of October) and contact the Heritage Project in Kampsville for a hike and picnic, along with a "nature" activity.

Fund Raiser/Recycle Program for School - our club is interested in setting up a recycle program for Cans (fund raiser), plastic bottles and white paper/newspaper to reduce our Carbon Footprint at our school.

Meeting Ideas - Here are some possible visitors to for our club meetings: IC Octopus Professor, IC Chemistry Club, Bird Sanctuary, U of I Extension(various programs) plus whoever we can get to Skype with us. Should be a fun year.

Club Officers - we will elect at our next meeting.

Sports and other after school activities - work hard with our coaches and teachers to be able to get our students at theirs and our after school activities.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Meeting Sept. 19, 2008

We had a small meeting Sept 18, but got some additional ideas down for the year.  Of course we will have to all vote on these issues but here are the topics covered.

1) T-shirts - yes we would like new t-shirts for this school year.  Depending on the number of students per grade level will determine if we have 1 color or 2.  Some color choices discussed were a neon yellow/green color or lime green.  A new logo on the front will also be discussed.

2) Fund Raisers - the students would like to look into a recycling program again as in the past. Mrs. Baumann said she would make some contacts and find out the logistics of starting the program up again.

3) Club Activities - below is a list of activities members are interested in for 08-09
-  School wide recycle program
-  Kaci's garden - clean up and get ready for spring
-  Clean up trash around town
-  clean up outdoors classroom
-  a visit from the Illinois College Chemistry Club for demos
-  mouse trap car races
- octopus professor from Illinois College
- NGMS nature center

4) Field Trips - Heritage Project (Kampsville) Fall
    - St. Louis Science Center/ IMAX

Students at the meeting:  Austin H., Austin E., Austin A., Cody C., Nicole B., Ashley C.

Senior Club Member Brittney T.

Nature Club 2008

Welcome to the NGMS Nature Club Website.  Check us out!